Friday, June 5, 2009

Suck it up Sunshine.

So about a month ago, my family and I undertook a trip, which in retrospect, may have been a little ambitious. Hubby, myself, Grandmama, Auntie J and my two babies under two, decided to go to Disneyland. Yes you read that right. I took two tiny children to Disneyland, even though they will never remember the trip. The actual trip itself went rather smoothly. Hubby and I even got a night by ourselves! The first one in five months! (Why yes, that is the age of my youngest, why do you ask?)

The part that caused the most stress was the flight home. It was an afternoon flight, meaning that the Sprogling, my nearly two year old had missed his nap due to having to be at the airport much too early, because we were flying to another country, yo. So my kid was strung out and tired and frankly, there wasn’t enough chocolate and toys in the world to keep him completely quiet. Now please keep in mind, that we have two itty bitty kiddies at this moment. Do you know what that means on an airplane ride? It means that they can’t sit together in the same block of seats because there is only one extra air mask per row. What that means in the grand scheme of things is that Hubby and I couldn’t sit next to each other and we had to keep passing babies back and forth when one got too tired of trying to wrangle the Sprogling.

So yes, I admit, my kid was in a loud and twitchy mood. But you know what? You could see that as soon as you entered the plane. And yes, we got to enter first, because we had TWO strollers, FOUR carry-ons, and TWO babies to lug onto the plan, so you can just keep the hairy eyeball to yourself, thankyouverymuch. Hubby got the dubious pleasure of having the Sprogling on his lap for takeoff and as such was seated with the Sprogling on his lap long before the rest of the passengers got on the plane. This is when the passenger I am lovingly going to call “Douche” entered the plane. He saw Hubby and the Sprogling. He knew exactly where they were sitting and he came with his lady friend. They had the two seats in front of Hubby. He sat directly in front of Hubby. Then he proceeded to put his seat the entire way back.

In case you haven’t been on a plane in a while, this took the approximate 18 inches of lap space down to maybe an inch and a half. Guess what? When you take away all the space, kids can touch/kick/bump the seat all the easier! Yes, they can! And guess what? That’s exactly what they will do. “Douche” then proceeded to turn around every ten seconds to glare at Hubby and the Sprogling. Finally when it looked like “Douche” was about to punch my toddler in the head, I offered to trade seats with him and his lady friend. After telling us how awful parents we were, they switched. After telling us that “Douche” had just had foot surgery and he really couldn’t be jostled and we should do better to make sure that our kid didn’t kick seats.

Well bless my soul! You just had surgery! I am so sorry! It’s not like you couldn’t see my kid and perhaps ask your lady friend to sit in that seat instead of your poor broken self. And dude. It was your foot. There was actual fairly good leg room on this plan and there is no reason you had to shove your seat all the way back.

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