Monday, June 15, 2009

From Rainbows, Butterflies and Smiles to the End of the World in 1.4 Seconds Flat.

So two days ago, Little Bit turned 6 months old. We celebrated with a trip to Denny's. Actually Mommy just didn't want to cook; it was just a pleasant coincidence that it was her half year birthday.

But what turning 6 months old really means is that it was time for her vaccinations. Now with the Sprogling, up until his 18 month ones it was like he didn't feel them. He'd just sit there with a slightly bemused expression on his face and then demand to be let down to play with the toys.

Little Bit seems to instinctively know that she is going to get pokes and starts to fuss from the moment she gets up. This morning instead of her regular toothy smile, I got greeted with a nice loud wail. Our appointment was for 8:30, so that if something does go wrong and she reacts, there will be emergency facilities open and less crowded than say at midnight. It's freaking amazing how busy an emergency room is in the wee hours of the morning. But getting back to the vaccinations; we arrived there just a few minutes late this morning (minor miracle). I had managed to forget all the forms that I needed but the nice check in lady decided that I was still allowed to go back and have them torture my child.

Got her undressed, weighed and measured. My teeny tiny Little Bit is getting big! Almost 15 lbs now. They tell me that I can dress her again and I wait to be called in. The Sprogling runs away a couple times, to go and flirt with the receptionists.

They finally call us in and I have the obligatory chat with the nurse. The Sprogling spends his time methodically mapping out the room and deciding how to best destroy it. Little Bit is smiling and giggling away. They have me position her so she's almost cradled and she immediately starts rooting and thinks it is time to nurse. As I don't immediately whip my baps out she starts to pout. Right about then the nurse gives her the first needle. Her eyes get wide. They start to water. Her face starts to scrunch up and looks like it is imploding on its self. A high whine that starts at her toes and comes blasting out of her mouth starts. I quickly pick her up and cuddle her. I managed to avert the worst of it and she settles down again. Then they have me turn her around and cradle her again.

Now Little Bit is thinking that it is definitely time to start nursing. She turns her face towards me just as the nurse jabs her leg. This time there is no build up. The flood gates open and she hollers. I quickly stuff a boob in her mouth and the Sprogling comes over and pats her back and gives her a kiss. She sits there nursing and giving little hiccup sobs. Her poor little legs both have a plaster on (which the Sprogling seemed determined to peel off of her) and she's spent the next fifteen minutes giving me the most evil looks.

Now she's bouncing back an forth between being my happy, smiling Little Bit and screaming her head off at me. Today will be fun.

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