Thursday, June 25, 2009

Parenting Style

In case you didn't guess, we practice a form of AP parenting here. That's Attachment Parenting. Before we had kids, Hubby and I had long talks about what we wanted to do and not do as parents. There was a very very long list involved. On the list were things that our mothers did which we loved and hated. Things that we wished our fathers did but were never there to do. After we had our list made I did a little internet research and stumbled upon the API website and then their blog. I sat down and read. I discovered things I would have never ever thought about doing.

Things really clicked for me the more I read. I loved their philosophies – the eight principles of parenting especially made sense to me. In fact, we had already planned on doing most of them and the ones we hadn't thought of, just made plain sense.

I'm going to be writing about each of the eight principles and saying how we follow them and what they mean to us and how we decided that they fit how we wanted to parent.

For us, being a parent is so much more than just having kids and making sure they keep on existing. It's a complex blend of needing to set good examples, to wanting to see them be their best (even at their tender ages!) and working on maturing and developing our own ideas to match with theirs.

Hubby and I still have clashes where what one thinks just doesn't mesh with the other. Even though we had long talks before hand, now that the kids are a reality we see some of our ideas were pipe dreams and we fight to change our thinking and make the correct choices.

Some days it's very hard, other days it's so easy.

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